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Award Hierarchy

The Award Hierarchy section serves as a mechanism to organize money that has been committed for spending (obligated funds), or is expected from the Sponsor in the future (anticipated funds) in a multi-level, hierarchical (parent-child) relationship of awards, which describes how the money is managed and used for the organization of the project. 


Key Terms:  Award Hierarchy tracks two categories of money information - Obligated (money available for spending) and Anticipated (money expected for all periods) and the associated time period information for each Award in the Hierarchy - as follows:

Obligated Funds: The total money currently available for spending (valid in the period specified by begin and end dates - Obligated Funding Period).

Anticipated Funds: The total money expected for the completion of the full scope of work for the project.

The Award Hierarchy section provides a structured, graphical representation of a sponsored project in an expandable/collapsible tree view.  There are many ways to implement the award hierarchy.  Your institution decides how to implement its award hierarchy, if they choose to use an award hierarchy.  Click  on the Award Hierarchy section to display its information.


Figure 911 Time and Money Document, Award Hierarchy Section, Single-Node Award Example


Single-Node Award Note:  The dates and amounts are editable ONLY for single-node awards.

Table 409 Time and Money Document, Award Hierarchy Section, Single-Node Award - Field Descriptions



Transaction Type Code

Required.  The reason you need to add or modify this award data now; examples include:

Click dropdown.gifto select the Transaction Type Code.  KC copies this code to the Transaction section, where you need to enter additional information for this transaction.

Notice Date

Optional.  The date of the underlying award notice that causes this transaction.  Your institution defines the Notice Date.  Some institutions define the Notice Date as the sponsor’s award notice date or the modification date.  Enter the Notice Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Notice Date by clicking Picture.


Optional.  Your comments about this transaction.  Enter Comments into the box.

Go To

Optional.  Navigation to a node in this award hierarchy.  Select an Award ID from the list of awards in the current award hierarchy and click tinybutton-go.gif.  This is not applicable to single-node awards.

current and pending



Select current to display data only for committed documents.  KC then displays only data that has already been routed and approved through workflow.

Select pending to display data that includes changes in the current Time & Money document.  KC then displays all data, including data that has not yet been routed and approved through workflow.

Click the  for your choice.  A filled  shows the answer you selected.

Filter Selection

Optional.  Filters for the data you want KC to display; for example:

Clickdropdown.gif to choose the information you want to display in the Award Hierarchy section.


Click tinybutton-refresh.gif to display the hierarchy based on your selections for current, pending, and the filter you select.


Figure 912 Time and Money Document, Award Hierarchy Section - Multi-Node Example


Table 410 Time and Money Document, Award Hierarchy Section – Icon Identification & Display Tool Functions

Tree Command


Causes the folder icons to close so that a plus + symbol appears, indicating the node is closed so that its contents are hidden and the descendents are not displayed.

Causes the folder icons to open so that a minus – symbol appears, indicating that the node is open and its contents are shown beneath it, including all descendant nodes.

Expands to show the display of Detail, Award Copy, and New Child subsections that display field labels and their content, as well as selection and action tools.



The term “descendents” is the equivalent of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on; each of which is also referred to as a “node” in the hierarchy.  Each time you copy an award and select Copy Descendents, you take that entire hierarchy and either copy it to a new award that becomes the new “parent”, or copy this “family” to a different, existing parent award.


For related information, see “Multi-Node Award” on page Error! Bookmark not defined. in Award.