Multi-Node Award

Multi-Node Awards can be created with children in the current hierarchy with a variety of options for the source data. 

      New Blank Award:  populate data in the new child award by creating a new, blank Award document.

      New Child Based On Parent:  copy Award data (excluding Time & Money and Budget) from the parent Award.

      New Child Based On Award Currently In Hierarchy:  copy Award data (excluding Time & Money and Budget) from any Award selected from the current Award hierarchy.

      New Hierarchy From Copy Of Entire Current Award Hierarchy:  copy Hierarchy Award(s) with a variety of source and target options for the copy action.


Copy Option:  Copying descendents is only possible when there are descendents available to copy.   You must have the Create Award permission to maintain Award Hierarchies.

 Automatic Population When Copying:  New child or copy actions result in automatic population of the following fields:

      Transaction Type – New

      Notice Date – Null

      Comments – Copied Award

Exluded Data Fields As A Result Of Copying:

      all Time & Money amounts

      all Budget information

      all Subawards information (Approved AND Funded)

      Payment Schedule information

      Sponsor Funding Transferred information

      Approved Equipment

      Approved Foreign Travel information

      Funding Proposals


The following screen shots depict examples of multi-node awards.

Figure 896  One Parent Node and Two Children (Sibling) Nodes


Figure 897  1st Node Expanded


Figure 898  2nd Node Expanded


The first node (parent) is now collapsed above the second node detail display.

Figure 899  2nd Child Node Expanded


Scrolling may be required to view all of the content in the subsections for descendant nodes.  When necessary, the KC system automatically displays a standard web page vertical scroll bar with up/down arrow buttons to allow you to adjust the particular section or subsection.





When you copy an award using the award hierarchy actions, the new award will include the credit split information along with the investigator and unit information.