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Direct/F&A Funds Distribution


The Direct/F&A Funds Distribution section contains the breakdown of funding between direct and F&A costs for all budget periods.  It is an estimated breakdown of what funding is expected for all budget periods.


Key Calculation Terms:  For each award, the system calculates and display the Distributed and Distributable (for both Obligated and Anticipated) amounts as follows:
a) Anticipated Distributed + Anticipated Distributable = Anticipated Total
b) Obligated Distributed + Obligated Distributable = Obligated Total

Figure 914 Time And Money Document – Direct/F&A Funds Distribution Section -  Example


Table 412 Time And Money Document – Direct/F&A Funds Distribution Section - Field Descriptions



Project Start Date

Read only.  The project’s official start date, as specified in the award. 


KC fills in the Project Start Date automatically from the Details & Dates section in the Award document.

Project End Date

Read only.  The project’s official end date, as specified in the award. 


KC fills in the Project End Date automatically from the Details & Dates section in the Award document.

Obligated Total

Read only.  The total amount authorized for spending. 


KC fills in the Obligated Total automatically from the Details & Dates section in the Award document.

Anticipated Total

Read only.  The total amount of funding expected for the life of the project


KC fills in the Anticipated Total automatically from the Details & Dates section in the Award document.

Start Date

Required.  The start date for the period to which this direct and F&A distribution applies.  Enter the Start Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Start Date by clicking Picture.

End Date

Required.  The end date for the period to which this direct and F&A distribution applies.  Enter the End Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the End Date by clicking Picture.

Direct Cost

Required.  The costs identified with or that can be accurately assigned to a specific sponsored award; costs charged to the sponsor that can be identified specifically with a sponsored project for the time period specified.  Enter the Direct Cost into the box.

F&A Cost

Required.  The costs incurred for common or joint objectives that cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular sponsored project, an instructional activity, or any other institutional activity; synonymous with F&A or overhead cost.  Enter F&A Cost into the box.


Click tinybutton-add1 to save the information in the Add row of the Direct/F&A Funds Distribution section.  Click  to determine the new totals in the Total and Total Anticipated (Direct + F&A) fields.  Click  to remove the entry on that row.