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Select Modular Budget Period


This section of the Modular Budget page provides a means for budget period selection via a drop-down list, and a means for customizing the information displayed in the tabbed sections that follow this section to include only that which is pertinent to the selected budget period via an update view button.

Figure 275 Budget Document > Modular Budget Page > Select Modular Budget Period Section – Layout


Table 145 Budget Document > Modular Budget Page > Select Modular Budget Period Section – Field Descriptions



Budget Period

Select a date range from the Budget Period list by clicking the down arrow to display the list and clicking on a range item to highlight and display it in the box.  Note:  you must then click the update view button for the selection to take effect and populate the Modular Budget Overview tab with information from this budget period.

Click this after making your selection (if other than the default selection of Period 1) in the Budget Period field to display information from the selected period in the Modular Budget Overview tab.