Saving a Document


The save button appears in the action buttons area (bottom, center) of most e-doc pages on most e-docs.  It generally allows you to save your work on an incomplete e-doc and resume working on it at another time.  This ability also enables you to complete a portion of an e-doc for which you’re taking responsibility and leave the remaining portions to one or more other users you are collaborating with.  Saving changes the document status to ‘SAVED.’

  To save an e-doc:



Complete the required fields marked with an asterisk.

pencil-small  Some e-docs provide a tabbed section labeled ‘Required Fields For Saving Document,’ typically located on a default start page in multi-page e-docs.  When this is the case (as with the Proposal document, for example), there may be fields marked as required on other pages within the e-doc that are not necessary to complete for saving.


Click save.



A message appears in the notification area (top, left of page) to indicate successful completion of the save action:


End of activity.




If you started with a new, blank e-doc with a status of ‘INITIATED,’ the Status field in the document header changes to show ‘SAVED.’


Your Selections May Make Other Fields Required:  Some selections for particular required fields cause other fields to become required, even though they are not marked as required.  For example, on the Proposal document, when your selection for the Proposal Type field on the Required Fields for Saving Document tab is “Renewal”, “Revision” or “Continuation”, the Sponsor Proposal ID field on the Sponsor & Program Information tab becomes required.  You are notified of this via red error messages upon validation or save.


Page Navigation Saving:  Making changes to fields on one page and clicking another page tab to navigate to a different page of an e-doc automatically saves them (without having to click the save button in between).  Just as with clicking the save button, if there are errors that prevent the save from occurring, they are displayed in red in the notification area (top, left of page) and you are prevented from navigating to the desired page until they are corrected.