Review Data

The Review Data section contains information about IP reviewers, review dates, and review status.

Figure 311 Institutional Proposal Document, Intellectual Property Review Page, Review Data Section Layout


Table 175 Institutional Proposal Document, Intellectual Property Review Page, Review Data Section Field Descriptions



Submitted for Review

Read only.  The date the proposal was submitted for IP Review.

Date Finished Review

Read only.  The date the IP Review was completed.


Read only.  The IP Reviewer’s KcPerson Id.

General Comments

Read only.  The administrator’s comments about the IP review.  Click the green arrow  symbol to view full text in a separate browser window.

Review Requirements

Read only.  The type of IP review required; an identifier for Activity.

Reviewer Results

Read only.  The code for the review results; your institution defines the Review Results codes.

Reviewer Comments

Read only.  The reviewer’s comments about the IP Review.  Click the green arrow  symbol to view full text in a separate browser window.