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Protocols (IACUC) – Annual Disclosure

This section will list the IACUC Protocols to be related to a reporter’s active Financial Entities. Expand the IACUC Protocols sub-panel by clicking the [>show]  toggle button.


Table 223 COI Annual Disclosures > Disclosure Page > IACUC Protocols sub-section– Field Descriptions.





This column contains the View, Edit, and History function buttons that allow the user to access the details of the financial entity. Close the box to continue with your disclosure.


Click the view button to display the financial entity details window in a light-box window.


Click the edit button to open this financial entity and modify the entry. When you finish your edit and submit or cancel, you will return to the disclosure.


Click the history button to display a table that summarizes the updates made to this financial entity. Close the box to continue with your disclosure.

Entity (Column)

This column contains the (create) “new financial entity” button in the leading row, and the name of the reporter’s financial entity in the detail rows.


New financial entity

Click the new financial entity button  to open the entry screen to define an entity. See the section on Financial Entity maintenance for complete instructions. When your entity maintenance is complete and you submit or cancel, you will return to the disclosure.



This column header contains the quick-entry buttons to assign the entity relationship status to every financial entity. The detail row contains the drop-down selector to assign the relationship status on an item by item basis.


Use the “all” button  to change every financial entity status to “Related.” You may override individual entries by using the selection tool in that row.


Use the “none” button  to change every financial entity status to “Unrelated.” You may override individual entries by using the selection tool in that row.


Click on the “select” drop-down list  tool to assign a financial entity relationship status.


This section is used to provide additional explanatory text.