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Notes & Attachments – Annual Disclosure

The Notes & Attachments section of the Disclosure page allows you to add textual notes and attach external files to a Disclosure document.


Figure 393 COI Annual Disclosures > Disclosure Page > Notes & Attachments sub-section – hidden



To create a note, enter a Note Topic, this is a required field.

Write the note in the Note Text field provided.

If the note pertains to one of your listed projects, you may select it from the drop-down list in the Project column.

If the note pertains to one of your active financial entities, you may select it from the drop-down list in the Financial Entity column.

The Restricted column is only active for the COI Administrator and Reviewers.

Click the Add button in the Action column to save this note entry.

Figure 394 COI Annual Disclosures > Disclosure Page > Notes section entry area

Once added, the note will appear in the subsection. You can edit the note topic and text by clicking the edit button. Or you can delete the note by clicking the delete key.

