Proposal Actions


The Proposal Actions page of the Proposal document is comprised of the following tabbed sections:

Figure 208Proposal Development Document > Proposal Actions Page - Sections Layout


Table 93209Proposal Development Document > Proposal Actions Page - Section Descriptions



Data Validation

Check the document for errors and warnings, navigate to them to fix them.

Proposal Hierarchy


Link Child Proposal or Budget Type to Hierarchy, create hierarchy.


Print Forms, Sponsor Form Packages, Reports.

Copy to New Document

Create a new, unique Proposal Development document with existing content.

Route Log

View document route, pending actions, actions taken for review/approval.

Ad Hoc Recipients


The Ad Hoc Recipients tab allows you to interrupt the normal workflow routing of the document and include individuals or workgroups in the routing path

One non-standard button, route, appears on the Proposal Actions page of the Proposal document.  It is a workflow action command button located near the other action buttons at the bottom, center of the page.

Table 94 Route Button Description



Click to initiate the workflow process, based either on predefined workgroup routing or ad hoc routing specified on the document, for review and approvals.


Data Validation

Proposal Hierarchy


Copy to New Document

Proposal Data Override

Route Log

Ad Hoc Recipients