Project Periods and Amounts


Figure 293 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Page, Financial Section – Project Periods and Amounts Subsection Layout


Table 161 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Page, Financial Section – Project Periods and Amounts Subsection Field Descriptions



Project Periods and Amounts

Initial Period column

Optional.  The date the funding is to begin for the initial budget period.  Enter the Initial Period-Requested Start Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Initial Period-Requested Start Date by clicking Picture.

Total Period column

Optional.  The date the funding is to end for the initial budget period.  Enter the Initial Period-Requested End Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Initial Period-Requested End Date by clicking Picture.

Initial Requested Start Date

Optional.  The total direct costs requested from the sponsor for the initial budget period.  Enter the Initial Period-Total Direct Cost into the box.

Initial Requested End Date

Optional.  The total F&A costs requested from the sponsor for the initial budget period

Enter the Initial Period-Total Indirect Cost into the box.

Initial Total Direct Cost

Read only.  The total of direct and indirect costs requested from the sponsor for the initial budget period.

Initial F&A Cost

Optional.  The date the funding is to begin for the total budget period.  Enter the Total Period-Requested Start Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Total Period-Requested Start Date by clicking Picture.

Total All Cost

Optional.  The date the funding is to end for the total budget period.  Enter the Total Period-Requested End Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Total Period-Requested End Date by clicking Picture.

Recalculate button

After changing any of the values in the Financial  section, you must click  to update the totals.