Graduate Students

The Graduate Students section contains the number of graduate students and person months allocated to this project.

Figure 294 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Page, Graduate Students Section Layout


Table 162 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Page, Graduate Students Section Field Descriptions



Head Count

Optional.  The number of graduate students working on the project.  Enter the Head Count into the box.

Person Months

Optional.  The percent of effort for the graduate students on this project times their appointment types. 



Examples of appointment types are academic year, fiscal year, and summer.  An example of calculating Person Months:  If a graduate student works 25% of the time on this project during a nine-month academic year, that person has (0.25 * 9 months) or 2.25 Person Months effort on this project.

Enter the total Person Months for the graduate students on this project into the box.