You are here:Award Budget > Personnel

Personnel Detail

The Personnel Detail section of the Personnel page automatically displays Award Budget Project Personnel information including Person name and Project Role (Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator or Key Person) for all Key Personnel from the Award Contacts section when the Award Budget is created.


Figure 953 Award Budget Document, Personnel Page – Personnel Detail Section Layout

pencil-small  Person Months is an NIH figure used in place of percent effort.


Table 438 Award Budget Document, Personnel Page - Personnel Detail Section Field Descriptions




Required.  Use the drop-down menu to select from the pre-populated list.

Object Code Name

Required.  Select from the dropdown list or use the lookup and/or direct inquiry icons as necessary.


Select an existing group from the dropdown list or enter a new group as necessary.


Click the add button to add your selection to the details table below as a numbered line item.  The Personnel Detail section displays as a pop-up window when the details  button is clicked from the Action column of a section within the Personnel Detail tab.  Click the calculate  button to update the totals based on your entries.

Figure 954 Award Budget Document, Personnel Page – Faculty Salaries Non-Tenured – On Subsection Example


Figure 955 Award Budget Document, Personnel Page -  Research Staff – On Subsection Example


When you click the details  button in the Actions column, the Personnel Budget Details section is displayed in a new browser window:

Figure 956 Award Budget Document, Personnel Page -  Personnel Budget Details Section Example


Table 439 Award Budget Document > Personnel Page – Unique Document-Level Action Buttons



Commands KC to recalculate all fields on the Personnel page to incorporate any recent changes you have made.

View additional detailed information about the salaries of the personnel.