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Budget Overview

Budget Overview displays key date and cost information about the budget.  The currently-accessed period number is always displayed in the section’s header tab label area.  This displays the same Budget Overview section (including all Personnel AND Non-Personnel totals) on both the Personnel and Non-Personnel pages.


Figure 952 Award Budget Document, Personnel Page – Budget Overview Section Example


Table 437 Award Budget Document, Personnel Page - Budget Overview Section Field Descriptions



Period 1 Start Date

As entered on the Budget Periods & Totals section of the Parameters page, this displays the month, day and year of the specific budget period being viewed is expected to begin.

Period 1 End Date

As entered on the Budget Periods & Totals section of the Parameters page, this displays the month, day and year of the specific budget period being viewed is expected to end

Direct Cost

Display-only based on prior entry, this shows the dollar amount for this cost.  It is the sum of all direct costs from the Personnel and Non-Personnel pages.

F&A Cost

Display-only based on prior entry, this shows the dollar amount for this cost, which is the sum of all F&A Cost calculations from the Personnel and Non-Personnel pages, or the override amount manually entered in the Budget Periods & Totals section of the Parameters page.

Total Sponsor Cost

Sums and displays the total of Direct Cost and F&A Cost.

Budget Amount

Display-only based on prior entry of period cost limit in the Cost Limit column for the Budget Change periods of the Budget Periods & Totals section of the Parameters page.

Obligated Amount

Display-only based on the same Total Cost Limit as in the Budget Overview section of  the Parameters page that comes from the Obligated Amount entered in the Award Details & Dates section of a Time & Money document on the Award Hierarchy page.

Unrecovered F&A

Display-only based on the sum dollar amount total of individual line item Unrecovered F&A calculations on the Personnel & Non-Personnel pages.

Cost Sharing

Sums and displays the total of individual line item Cost Sharing calculations from the Personnel and Non-Personnel pages.



Warning:  If you get a system message that states ‘Total Cost Limit has been exceeded’, it is only a warning and does not prevent any further action until you attempt to submit the Award Budget document.