The Personnel page of the Protocol document is where you specify the individuals involved in the study.
Personnel Changes & Protocol Status:The document status displayed in the header area of the document dictates when changes can be made to personnel information. Changes to personnel can only be made when the protocol is open for editing, i.e. Pending/In Progress, Amendment in Progress, Renewal in Progress (for Renewal with Amendment only), Provisionally Approved, Tabled, or Returned to PI. |
Figure 642 Protocol Document - Personnel Page Layout
The Personnel page has three main component areas that allow for the selection, entry and maintenance of person information.
Table 278 Protocol Document - Personnel Page Component Descriptions
Page Region |
Component Description |
1 |
Person and Protocol Role Selection Area |
2 |
Person Information Sections Area w/ expandable detail subsections |
3 |
Action Buttons Area - allows you to delete previously-added personnel and save additions |