Person Details


The Person Details subsection of the tabbed “Person/Protocol Role Details Section” displays the Protocol Role you selected when adding the person/role (which you can change via a dropdown list and an Affiliation Type field that allows you to make a selection.

Figure 833 Protocol Document, Personnel Page, Person/Protocol Role Details Section - Person Details Subsection Example


Table 432 Protocol Document, Personnel Page, Person/Protocol Role Details Section - Person Details Subsection Field Descriptions



Protocol Role

Modify the role you previously specified when adding the person by selecting a different item from the drop-down list and then clicking Update View.

Affiliation Type

Select one of the following types for this person:  Faculty, Non-Faculty, Affiliate, Student Investigator, or Faculty Supervisor.  Use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

The Contact Information subsection of the tabbed “Person/Protocol Role Details Section” displays the contact information from the database record for the person you selected/added as view-only for your reference.


For more information about contact information, see “Person Table Editable Columns” on page Error! Bookmark not defined. in Maintenance.