Payments & Invoices

The Payment & Invoices section includes tools for setup of payment schedules and invoice requirements for the award.  It contains these subsections:

      Payment & Invoices

      Payment & Invoice Requirements

      Award Payment Schedule

Figure 837 Award Document > Payment, Reports & Terms Page – Payment & Invoices Section Example


Table 388 Award Document > Payment, Reports & Terms Page – Payment & Invoices Section Field Descriptions



Payment Basis

Optional, but required upon validation. The payment structure upon which the sponsor makes payment to your institution for performance of work on a sponsored project (for example, cost reimbursement or fixed price payment basis).  Click dropdown.gif to select the Payment Basis.

Payment Method

Optional, but required upon validation. The mechanism for obtaining payment as required by the award document.  Click dropdown.gif to select the Payment Method.

Final Invoice

Optional.  The number of days after x that your institution has to send the sponsor the final invoice as required by the award document.  Enter the number of days allowed for sending the Final Invoice into the box.

Document Funding ID

Optional.  A unique identifier for a project documenting the obligation of funds from a sponsor to an institution.  Enter the Document Funding ID into the box.


  The refresh icon forces an update to the available options in the list based on a selection in a prior field.


Figure 838 Award Document > Payment, Reports & Terms Page > Payment & Invoices Section – Firm Fixed Price Payment Method Option Examples



Figure 839 Award Document > Payment, Reports & Terms Page > Payment & Invoices Section – Cost Reimbursement Payment Method Option Examples


Payment & Invoice Requirements

Award Payment Schedule