Payment & Invoice Requirements

The Payment & Invoice Requirements subsection contains details about the payment and invoice cycle and the invoice recipients. 

You need to have one row in this section for each payment or invoice required for this award.  The number that is in parentheses to the right of the title of this section shows how many rows (required payments or invoices) you already have in this section. 

Figure 840 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page – Payment & Invoice Requirements Subsection Layout


Table 389 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page <Document Name, Page Name, Section Name> Field Descriptions



Payment Type

Optional.  The form name or type of invoice or report required by the sponsor


Your options in some dropdown lists depend on your selection in a previous field.  For example, your Frequency field options depend on your selection in the Payment Type field. 

Click  to refresh the selection options in dependent fields if they do not automatically refresh.

Click dropdown.gif to select a Payment Type (for example, advance payment or final payment).


Required.  How often this payment type is due (for example, annual, quarterly).


Your options in some dropdown lists depend on your selection in a previous field.  For example, the Frequency field options depend on your selection in the Payment Type field. 

Click  to refresh the selection options in dependent fields if they do not automatically refresh.

Click dropdown.gif to select the Frequency for this payment type.  This is used to select the parameters used to calculate the payment period.

Frequency Base

Required.  The date from which KC will calculate the due dates of report(s) if they must be submitted on a set frequency (for example, quarterly).  Click dropdown.gif to select the Frequency Base for this payment type.  When an option has been selected, the system automatically calculates and displays the Base Date in light gray below the Frequency Base field in mm/dd/yyyy format.  The selection of a project date is used to calculate how often the payment/invoice should be generated (for example, effective date, other, etc.).

OSP File Copy

Required.  The copies of payment/invoice documents retained and filed by the OSP.  Click dropdown.gif to select the OSP File Copy for this payment type.  You must select the documentation to be provided to the Office of Sponsored Projects for your file (for example, Report, Report+Letter, Letter Only or Sponsor Form).

Due Date

Enter the invoice/payment due date if it will not be calculated by the system.  Type to enter the date this payment type is due, or in MM/DD/YYYY format or click Picture to select it.


To choose to add the data that will generate a new payment/invoice schedule, click  to save your new entry in this section.  Click  to remove the entry on that row.

Invoice Instructions

You may expand this text field so you can see more of your text by clicking  to open a pop-up box.

Enter notes or other information about the payment/invoice for internal stakeholder/collaborator reference.


  Clicking the generate schedule button displays a new subsection, Award Payment Schedule.

Sync to Template Function on the Payment & Invoices, Reports, and Terms Sections

Sponsor Templates include reporting requirements.  Click tinybutton-synctotemplate.gif to populate the Payment & Invoices, Reports, and Terms sections with template information.



Figure 841 Confirmation Screen



Always select the applicable sponsor template before clicking the Sync to Template button.



For all fields that are in the template, when you click the Sync to Template button, KC deletes information that is already in the award and replaces it with information from the template.  KC also fills other fields with information from the template.


Click tinybutton-synctotemplate.gif only if someone has already applied a Sponsor Template to this award.  When you click this button, KC:

      Fills the appropriate fields in this award with information from the Sponsor Template

      Enters information from the selected Sponsor Template for a new award: Sync to Template enters the existing template information into a new award

      Enters information from the Sponsor Template into an existing award: Sync to Template overwrites information already in an existing award

      You may use Sync to Template even if some fields are empty in the existing award.


Warning: The Sync to Template function replaces existing information.  It does not add to existing information.

Recipients Subsection

KC allows Award maintainers to select the Recipient from alist of Sponsor Contacts (Contact Type and Name/Organization), or from the Rolodex (Name/Organization with no Contact Type) and input Invoice Number of Copies.  Additionally, text can be entered to give additional information for processing payment/invoices for each project when necessary.

When you click  to save the new entry in the Payment & Invoice Requirements section, KC displays a collapsed Recipients subsection:

21-Payment & Invoice Requirements Rec 1.jpg

Figure 842 Payment & Invoices Section, Payment & Invoice Requirements Section Filled, With Collapsed Recipients Subsection

Click  on the Recipients subsection to display its information:

21-Pmt & Invoice Req show.jpg

Figure 843 Payment & Invoices Section, Payment & Invoice Requirements Section, Recipients Subsection


Table 390 Payment & Invoices Section, Payment & Invoice Requirements Section, Recipients Subsection Field Descriptions




Optional.  The name of the contact person at the organization to which you need to send these invoices or reports for this award.  Click dropdown.gif to select a Contact.


Required.  The name of the organization to which you need to send these invoices or reports.  Click  to find and select a Name/Organization.

# Of Copies

Optional.  The number of report copies you need to send to this recipient.  Enter the # of Copies into the box.


Optional.  Click  to save this recipient information.  Click  to remove the recipient on this row.

Adding a Name/Organization using the Rolodex Lookup on the Recipients Subsection of the Payment & Invoices Section

  When you click Picture to find and select a Name/Organization, KC displays the Rolodex Lookup screen:

21-Rolodex Lookup.jpg

Figure 844 Rolodex Lookup Screen

      Enter appropriate information in the search fields to find the organization you need (or leave all the fields blank to display all organizations), and then click Picture to display a list of Organizations. 

      When you click Picture, KC displays the results of your search:

21-Rolodex with Search.jpg

Figure 845 Rolodex Lookup Screen with Search Information

      KC displays the organizations that match your search below a statement about the number of items retrieved (how many items matched your search) and the number of items displayed.

      In the search results list, click return value to enter the Organization on that row in the Recipients subsection in the Payment & Invoice Requirements section of the Payment & Invoices section.

      When you click return value, KC displays the KC Award screen again with the selected Name/Organization added to the Recipients subsection.  The name of the selected organization is simply University:

21-Recipients with Search.jpg

Figure 846 Payment & Invoices Section, Payment & Invoice Requirements Section, Filled Recipients Subsection

      When you click  to save your new entry in the Recipients subsection, KC displays this screen, with your new information in row 1 on the Recipients subsection:

Figure 847 Payment & Invoices Section, Payment & Invoice Requirements Section, Filled Recipients Subsection