New Person Mass Change


The New Person Mass Change page of the Person Mass Change document provides functionality for selection of Person Types by Module (e-doc roles), an option to Change All Sequences, and Employee/Non-Employee Lookups for both the ‘person to be replaced’ and the ‘replace with person’. 

If for example, you want to change an Investigator entered on a Proposal or transfer an Award to a non-employee before they become institutional employees, knowing in advance that the person will become an official employee of your institution, you can use the New Person Mass Change page to update the Rolodex entry to the Person Table entry.  Optionally, you can then elect to change all sequences of a record.



No-Cost Child Entry:  Regarding extensions to one or more child records associated with a parent record, updates to awards within a hierarchy accomplished via a ‘sync from parent’ feature.




Figure 121  Important Sections of the New Person Mass Change page



Table 41  Person Mass Change Document > New Person Mass Change Page – Section/Field Descriptions



Document Overview section

link.png  This section is common to all e-docs.  For complete instructions on its use, see “Document Overview” on page 93 in Overview > Common E-Doc Sections.

Person Type section

Modules subsection


Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.

select all buttons

Click the select all  button to place a checkmark in all of the available checkbox options in all subsections.

select none buttons

Click the select none  button to deselect any currently-selected options in all subsections.

Options subsection

Change All Sequences

Select this option to change all sequences of the record in database tables.  Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.

Replace Person section

Replace the Person…subsection

Employee Search

Non-Employee Search

To navigate to the Non-Organizational Address Book Lookup screen (foremerly labelled Rolodex), click the lookupsearchicon icon, then search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box.


Employee Search

The new Employee you are replacing the existing person with.

Non-Employee Search

The new Non-Employee you are replacing the existing person with.

Click to send the document into workflow routing to fulfill any established review and/or approval requirements (rules).  The Document Status changes to ‘ENROUTE’.  The Pending Action Requests then arrive in the Action List Inbox for those on the route with the Action of ‘IN ACTION LIST COMPLETE’ (workflow approve request recipients).

The Document Status changes to ‘SAVED’.  The Node in the Route Log appears as ‘Initiated’.

Subject to the Approval Policy implemented by your institution, the default is ‘Single Approval Required’.  After the blanket approval action for the document has been processed, the Document Status changes to ‘FINAL’.