Institutional Fields Conditionally Required



Figure 148Proposal Development Document, Proposal Page, Required Fields for Saving Document Section, Institutional Fields Conditionally Required Subsection Example


Table 56Proposal Development Document, Proposal Page, Required Fields for Saving Document Section, Institutional Fields Conditionally Required Subsection Field Descriptions



Award ID


A unique identifier assigned by an institution to identify an award (e.g. used when submitting a continuing type of activity.). A unique institutionally assigned number of a previously funded application.  A unique ID automatically assigned by the system (based on institution specifications) to identify an award.   An award is defined as:  To grant or declare as merited or due. If, after consideration, an outside agency/sponsor decides a proposal has merit and worth, an agreement is drawn between the funding agency and Institution for services. This agreement is called an award. An award is a legal, binding document for services in lieu of funds to perform the original outline of the proposal submitted.  Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box.

Original Institutional Proposal ID

The unique identifier originally assigned to the  previously-submitted proposal record; used if the document is being revised and/or resubmitted. The number assigned by KC Proposal Development module for the previously submitted proposal record currently being revised.  A unique institutionally assigned proposal number of a previously submitted proposal. This is applicable when submitting a revised (changed/corrected) application.  Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box.

Revision Type

This drop-down menu provides a number of options related to the proposal development document.

Clinincal Trial (Check box)

Check this box if a Clinical Trial is being conducted. This queries the KC system to include the Clinical Trials Office in the routing chain.