You are here:Award > Award > Details & Dates


The Institution subsection includes the Award ID, Version, Account ID, Award Status, Lead Unit, Account Type, Activity Type, Award Type, and Award Title fields.  Users with Administrator authorization may enter information in these fields.

Figure 786 Award Document, Award Page, Details & Dates Section, Institution Subsection - Example


Table 369 Award Document, Award Page, Details & Dates Section, Institution Subsection - Field Descriptions



Award ID

Read only.  Award ID number assigned automatically by KC for an award .


Read only.  Version number assigned automatically by KC .

Account ID

Optional.  A number assigned to the award by your institution’s financial ledger system. 

Enter the Account ID number into the box.

Award Status

Required.  The current status of this award as defined by your institution.  Click dropdown.gif to select the Award Status.

Lead Unit

Required.  The unit responsible for the application and administration of the sponsored project. 

Enter the Lead Unit number into the box.  You can confirm the lead unit number by clicking .  If you do not know the Lead Unit number, click  to find and select one.

Account Type

Optional.  The type of account, defined by your institution .  Click dropdown.gif to select the Account Type.

Activity Type

Required.  The type of research, defined by your institution.  Click dropdown.gif to select the Activity Type.

Award Type

Required.  The award category, defined by your institution.  Click dropdown.gif to select the Award Type.

Award Title

Required.  The official title for the award.  Enter the Award Title into the box.


  Adding a Lead Unit using the Unit Lookup in the Institution Subsection

When you click Picture to find and select a Lead Unit, KC displays the Unit Lookup screen:

16-KC Award Unit Lookup.jpg

Figure 787 Unit Lookup

Enter appropriate information in the search fields to find the Unit Number you need (or leave all the fields blank to display all Unit Numbers), and then click Picture to display a list of Unit Numbers.  When you click search, KC displays the Unit Lookup screen again, with the results of your search displayed below the buttons:

16-KC Award Unit Lookup with search.jpg

Figure 788 Unit Lookup Screen with Search Information

KC displays the Unit Numbers that match your search below a statement about the number of items retrieved (how many items matched your search) and the number of items displayed.

In the search results list, click return value for the Lead Unit you need, to enter that Unit Number in the Institution subsection in the Details & Dates section.

When you click return value, KC displays the KC Award screen again with your selected Lead Unit number added to the Institution subsection:

16-KC Award Institution.jpg

Figure 789 KC Award, Dates & Details Section, Institution Subsection with Lead Unit Entered