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Current Action

The Current Actions subsection includes Transaction Type, Notice Date, and Comments fields.  Users with Administrator authorization may enter information in these fields.

Figure 785 Award Document, Award Page, Details & Dates Section, Current Action Subsection Layout


Table 368 Award Document, Award Page, Details & Dates Section, Current Action Subsection Field Descriptions



Transaction Type

Required.  Designate the type of current action.  Click dropdown.gif to select the Transaction Type.

Notice Date



Institutions may interpret this field differently.

Many institutions use the Notice Date for the date on the sponsor’s notice of award or modification.  Some institutions use the award version’s initiation date as the Notice Date.  Enter the Notice Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Notice Date by clicking Picture.



Expand the text field for additional notes by clicking.

Notes or other information about this transaction.  Enter Comments into the box.