Included Categories


The Included Categories section contains a list of procedure categories and procedures. Implementing institutions can control which procedure categories and procedures they want to present to the investigator. The investigator can select one or more procedure and from the various procedure categories. Once the procedures are selected from Included categories, the automatically generates additional sections below Included categories where procedure specific details can be entered by the investigator.

note.png  The system does not require that all the procedures within Included Categories be selected at one time. As the system generates additional sections below Included Categories to capture details about the selected procedures, the investigator can keep coming back to the Included Categories to select additional procedures.

Figure 847 Protocol Document – Procedures – Included Categories


The Included Categories section contains three main data/feature components.


Table 443 Protocol Document – Procedures – Included Categories – Main components

Page Region

Component Description


Procedure Categories – The bolded items displayed within the Included Categories section are procedure categories. Example Drugs, Surgery, Euthanasia. Each procedure category serves as a high level categorization of procedures.


Procedures – The items grouped under procedure categories are the various procedures that can be performed on a species. For e.g. Survival, Multiple Major Survival are procedures listed under a Procedure Category of Surgery.


Update – The update button helps in keep the procedures selected within Included Categories in synch with the procedures specific sections generated by the system below the Included Categories section.


Selecting Procedures: One or more procedures can be selected from within Included Categories and the update button must be clicked to make the selection effective.

Table 444 Protocol Document – Procedures – Included Categories – Selecting procedures



Included Categories

Select one or more procedures using the checkbox beside each procedure.

Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.


caution.png  De-selecting a procedure from within Included Categories will remove the procedure section generated by the system below the Included Categories section. If information has been entered in the procedure section, the system preserves it. The investigator needs to select it again from within Included Categories to make it re-appear.


Click on update  button to synch up procedures selected within Included Categories with the procedures specific sections generated by the system below the Included Categories section.