Group Sections


Black, bold headings within each menu group further divide and categorize functionally-related features.

Figure 27 Menu Section Examples:  The Conflict of Interest and Institutional Review Board sections of the Compliance group

Whether attempting to navigate from screen to screen, menu to menu, or page to page, it is strongly recommended that you never use your Web browser’s navigation tools (for example, the Back, Forward, and Refresh buttons).   The tools on the horizontal toolbar near the top of the Web browser you use to access and use the KC software application with are not intended to be used for navigation (or for any other function) within the KC screens and pages.  KC is designed for compatibility with most popular browsers, but is not designed to use their functionality for anything other than viewing the display of the user interface. 

Figure 28 Just Say No To Using Browser Buttons


Clicking one of your Web browser’s navigation buttons (for example, the [←Back] button to go to a previous screen or page) while using KC could possibly result in:

      Loss of entry/selection work

      System-generated error messages

      Automatic refresh

      Disabled functionality

      A need to delete a document lock

      Loss of a document lock


If you do click Back by accident, it might not have a negative impact at all.  However, it is recommended that you log out completely, close your Web browser, and open a new browser window to log in again, rather than simply reloading the page with a KC action button or browser refresh button, both of which may not be reliable mitigating options.