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Funding Sources


The Funding Sources section of the Protocol document gives you the ability to select a funding type and number, specify a source, and add it as a numbered line item.  Multiple sources may be added one row at a time.  This allows you to enter and maintain one or more records about the sources of funding that will be used to accomplish research using human participants.


Implementing institutions have the ability to configure the system to determine if funding sources identified in the Protocol document will create linkages to Award, Proposal Development and Institutional Proposal records.  If enabled, this section provides the ability to create and manage such linkages between protocols and sponsor/sponsored funding.  If disabled, then the lookup/view for a funding source would be disabled and entry into all data fields would simply be freeform data entry instead.


Figure 829 Protocol Document, Protocol Page - Funding Sources Section Example


Table 429 Protocol Document, Protocol Page - Funding Sources Section Field Descriptions



Add / #

Indicates the sequentially numbered line item rows in ascending, top-to-bottom order.

Funding Type

Required.  Select one of the following options:  Sponsor, Unit, Other, Development Proposal, Institutional Proposal, or Award.  When linking is enabled, your selection will require you to search for and select an existing code, which will populate the Source and Title fields. When ‘Other’ is selected, the remaining fields are data entry only (no lookups).  Use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

link.png  Your institution has the ability to add other funding source types.  For more information, see “Funding” on page 1160 in Maintenance > Compliance.

Funding Number

Required.  Uniquely identifies the funding source.  When ‘Other’ is selected in the Funding Type field, this is data entry only (no lookups).  Otherwise, click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box.

tip.png  Configuration Option:  When linking is enabled, the selection becomes a Funding ID link in the numbered row that matches a unique identifier for a record in the system for that funding type.  When disabled, it is a free-form, manually entered alphanumeric value.


Depending on the Funding Type selected, either the sponsor name or unit of proposal or award is displayed.  If award/proposal linking is enabled, the source value is automatically populated based on your selection in the Funding Number field and cannot be changed.  If disabled, you may type the desired alphanumeric value. 

note.png  Implementing institutions may elect to make this a required field, in which case the label is preceded by an asterisk symbol.


When the Funding Type is Award, Development Proposal, or Institute Proposal, and linking is enabled, this automatically displays the title of the award/proposal and is read-only.  Otherwise, it will remain blank.  When linking is disabled, you may type to enter any alphanumeric value.


Click the add  button in the Add row to add your selection/entry as a numbered line item row in the table below.  Click delete or view as desired.

link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Common E-Doc Operations.



When a funding source creates a link across modules, the system automatically generates a notification to the appropriate workgroup.