The Funding Proposals section lists proposal(s) that have resulted in funding for this award, along with key proposal details. You may create an Award with or without selecting funding proposals for it. If you do select a proposal when you create an award, KC automatically enters data from that proposal in the appropriate award fields.
Proposal details that KC displays in the Funding Proposals section:
• Principal Investigator
• Lead Unit
• Proposed Sponsor
• Proposed Start and End Dates
• (Proposal) Total Cost
You may also choose to show additional Proposal Details in the Funding Proposals section, including:
• Institutional Proposal ID (including Sequence Number)
• Proposal Type
• Activity Type
• Proposed Title
• Budget Details for each of the Initial and Total proposed periods:
o Proposed Start and End Dates
o Proposed Direct Costs
o F&A Costs
o Total Costs
KC populates (fills in) the Award fields from the first proposal you link to the award. You may edit Award fields after KC populates them.
When Key Personnel & Credit Split Data Already Exists In The Award: You are presented with the following three options: No change: Existing award data remains unchanged, including F&A Rates and Special Review (default). Merge: KC combines Funding Proposal Key Personnel & Credit Split data with existing award data. Replace: KC overwrites (replaces) existing Award Key Personnel & Credit Split data with data from the Funding Proposal. |
When you select the merge option, these are the resulting implications:
o Principal Investigator– Merging an additional Funding Proposal does NOT change the existing Award PI. Additional PIs are added as Co-Is.
o Other Key Personnel– Funding Proposal Co-Is and Key Persons are added without duplication to existing Award Key Personnel.
o Faculty– Adding a Funding Proposal does NOT change the existing state of the Faculty field for existing key personnel.
o Effort Fields (Total Effort, Academic Year Effort, Summer Effort, Calendar Year Effort)– Merging a new Funding Proposal with an Award does NOT change the values in corresponding effort fields.
o Lead Unit– Merging an
additional Funding Proposal does NOT change the existing Lead Unit.
Additional Lead Units are added without duplication as non-lead
o Unit– Funding Proposal
Units are added without duplication to existing Units for an
o COMBINED CREDIT SPLIT– Merging a new Funding Proposal with an Award adds the values in corresponding credit split fields together if a Unit is duplicated.
Figure 776 Award Document, Award Page, Funding Proposals Section Example