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Current Funding Proposals

The Current Funding Proposals subsection lists the funding proposals for this award.  KC displays the information from the Institutional Proposal .

Figure 781 Award Document, Award Page, Funding Proposals Section, Current Funding Proposals Subsection Example


Table 365 Award Document, Award Page, Funding Proposals Section, Current Funding Proposals Subsection Field Descriptions



Award Version

A numeric value that represents the version of the award associated with this funding proposal line item.  The system automatically assigns ‘1’ by default upon initial line addition.

Principal Investigator

Read only.  The Principal Investigator responsible for this proposal.

Lead Unit

Read only.  The unique identifier for the office or department responsible for the administration of the proposal, as defined by your institution.

Proposed Sponsor

Read only.  The proposed funding organization for the proposal.

Proposed Start Date

Read only.  The proposed date the project is to start.

Proposed End Date

Read only.  The proposed date the project is to end.

Total Costs

Read only.  The total cost of the project.


Click  to delete this proposal from this Award.


The total of all numbered line item Total Costs.


Click the show button to expand the display so that you can view more details about each line item.

Proposal Details

The Details subsection lists the details of the funding proposal and its budget.

When you click  on a Details subsection, KC displays information about that proposal:


Figure 782 Award Document, Award Page, Funding Proposals Section, Current Funding Proposals Subsection> Proposal Details View Mode Example Layout


Table 366 Award Document, Award Page, Funding Proposals Section, Current Funding Proposals Subsection> Proposal Details > Field Descriptions



Institutional Proposal ID

A system-generated, sequential number identifying this Institutional Proposal document.

Institutional Proposal Version

The Institutional Proposal version number.  This identification number is assigned by the system based on your institutional rules.

note.png  When an institutional proposal is linked to an award (from within the Award module),  a new version of the institutional proposal will be created.  Adding reference to an Award from within the Institutional Proposal module will not change the version of the Institutional Proposal.

Proposal Type

The type of submission, defined by your institution and/or the sponsor.

Activity Type

The institution’s university function for this proposal, based on OMB Circular A-21.  Per OMB Circular A-21, the major functions of a university are instruction, sponsored instruction and teaching, departmental research, organized research, sponsored research, university research, other sponsored activities, and other institutional activities.  Each account in an institution's financial system must be identified by its activity type.

Proposal Title

The project title.

Budget Details


Figure 783 Award Document, Award Page, Funding Proposals Section, Current Funding Proposals Subsection, Details > Budget Details Subsection Example


Table 367 Award Document, Award Page, Funding Proposals Section, Current Funding Proposals Subsection, Details > Budget Details Subsection - Field Descriptions



Proposed Start Date: Initial

Read only.  The date the funding is proposed to begin for the initial budget period.

Proposed End Date: Initial

Read only.  The date the funding is proposed to end for the initial budget period.

Proposed Direct Cost: Initial

Read only.  The total direct costs requested from the sponsor for the initial budget period.

Proposed F&A Costs: Initial

Read only.  The total F&A costs requested from the sponsor for the initial budget period.

Proposed Total Cost: Initial

Read only.  The total of direct and indirect costs requested from the sponsor for the initial budget period.

Proposed Start Date: Total

Read only.  The date the funding is proposed to begin for the total budget period.

Proposed End Date: Total

Read only.  The date the funding is proposed to end for the total budget period.

Proposed Direct Cost: Total

Read only.  The total direct costs requested from the sponsor for the total budget period.

Proposed F&A Costs: Total

Read only.  The total F&A costs requested from the sponsor for the total budget period.

Proposed Total Cost: Total

Read only.  The total of direct and indirect costs requested from the sponsor for the total budget period.