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Data Validation

The Data Validation section of the Award Actions page allows you to activate a Validation check to determine any errors or incomplete information. The following Validations types will be determined:

      errors that prevent submission into routing

      warnings that serve as alerts to possible data issues but will not prevent submission into routing

      errors that prevent submission to

Figure 891 Award Document, Award Actions Page - Data Validation Section Layout


Table 404 Award Document, Award Actions Page – Data Validation Section Description



Click the turn on validation button to display Validation Errors and Warnings.

Error and Warning Display

The number or errors per subsection is displayed in parentheses after the subsection label.


Click the show  button to expand the subsection and review.

Fixing Errors

  Click the fix button to navigate to the page/section of the document where the error exists.

The error message appears in red text in the notification area just under the section tab label:

Fix the error(s) as appropriate and click save .




Figure 70 Medusa – a tabbed section in Proposal > Award display (Example)

Custom Data