Cost Sharing


The Cost Sharing section contains the project cost allocation by account or unit for each fiscal year.

Figure 318 Institutional Proposal Document, Distribution Page – Cost Sharing Section Layout


Table 180 Institutional Proposal Document, Distribution Page – Cost Sharing Section Column Descriptions




Displays sequential line item number for each table row in ascending, top-to-bottom order.  Also serves as a line selection/addition row label.

Fiscal Year

Optional.  The institution’s fiscal year in which the funds will be allocated.  Enter the Fiscal Year in YYYY format.

Cost Share Type

Required.  The type of project costs that are paid from sources other than the sponsor; your institution defines its Cost Share Types.  Examples of Cost Share Types are Funded, Mandatory, and Voluntary.  Click dropdown.gif to select the Cost Share Type.


Optional.  The percentage of costs allocated to this Cost Share Type.  Enter the Percentage in 99.99 format.

Source Account

Optional.  The account number for this Cost Share Type.  Enter the Source Account number into the box.


Required.  The total dollar amount allocated to this Cost Share Type.  Enter the dollar amount in 99.99 format.  Total column displays the sum of all amouts.