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Budget Versions


The Budget Versions page of the Budget document has a single tabbed section that allows you to add a new version (create a new Budget document); and view, open or copy existing budget versions.  Subsections within the tab have show/hide buttons that allow you to expand or collapse the display for each budget version.  Within each shown version subsection, you are able to view general information, change the version’s status, and take further action.

Figure 234 Budget Document > Budget Versions Page Example


Table 105 Budget Document > Budget Versions Page > Budget Versions Section - Field Descriptions



Tab Label Text

To the right of the tab heading text that reads ‘Budget Versions’, the start and end dates are displayed in parentheses.  For example, (7/23/07 – 7/23/09).


Type up to 40 characters of text to designate each budget.

Budget Version Number

Numeric, sequential, system-assigned number that further distinguishes the various budgets that a user may create.

Direct Cost

Costs that can be identified specifically with a particular sponsored project, an instructional activity, or any other institutional activity, or that can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy.   System-generated value brought forth from the direct cost value within the budget you create.  Costs that can be identified specifically with a particular sponsored project, an instructional activity, or any other institutional activity, or that can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy.


Total Indirect Cost.  Facilities and Administration.  Costs that are incurred for common or joint objectives and, therefore, cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular sponsored project, an instructional activity, or any other institutional activity. F&A costs are synonymous with indirect costs and overhead costs.


System-generated numeric value; taken from the total cost line of the created budget.

Budget Status

Select ‘Complete’ or ‘Incomplete’ from the drop-down list as appropriate to specify the status of this version.


Final version flag.Click to select the radio button option if this version is to be flagged as the final version to be used with the proposal.

Click add to create a new budget version (basically saves the name and creates the “open” and “copy” buttons so you can either continue to create or open the budget version.

Click open to open the budget creation module, and either create a new budget version or open a previously-created budget version to view and/or modify.  This causes the Summary Tab to appear, which displays both the Overview and Periods & Totals tabs.

Click copy to open a dialog box and select to copy only one period of the previously-created budget or all budget periods for this particular budget version.  The copy will become the basis for a subsequent budget version (the next available sequential budget version).

Individual Budget Version Subsection (when shown)

Residual Funds

Remaining funds from a prior award; pulled from the Residual Funds field on the Budget Overview tab, Summary section.

Cost Sharing

The project costs which are not being funded by the sponsor; populated from the Totals: Cost Sharing field  in the Budget Periods & Totals page on the Summary tab.

Unrecovered F&A

F&A costs which are not requested or provided by the sponsor.  The F&A costs that will be incurred as a result of the project, but will not be paid for by the sponsor.


Type any internal notations you want to include (comments are not printed on forms or transmitted to the sponsor in an S2S submission).

OH Rate Type

The type of overhead rate applicable to the project.

Last Updated

Timestamp of last update.

Last Updated By

User ID of person who saved a modification most recently.