
Awarded projects usually have terms and conditions describing how to handle categories such as inventions, purchased property, publications, and travel that are associated with the project.  Each of these categories may have one or more terms or conditions associated with it.


Most project sponsors have a standard set of terms and conditions for every funded project.  You use the Terms section to look up and record the sponsor’s terms and conditions associated with a category.

Figure 854 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page <Document Name, Page Name, Section Name> Layout

The Terms section includes these subsections:

      Equipment Approval Terms

      Invention Terms

      Prior Approval Terms

      Property Terms

      Publication Terms

      Referenced Document Terms

      Rights in Data Terms

      Subaward Approval Terms

      Travel Restrictions Terms

Equipment Approval Terms

Figure 855 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page, Terms Section, Equipment Approval Terms Subsection Example

Invention Terms

Figure 856 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page , Terms Section, Invention Terms Subsection Example

Prior Approval Terms

Figure 857 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page , Terms Section, Prior Approval Terms Subsection Example

Property Terms

Figure 858 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page , Terms Section, Property Terms Subsection Example

Publication Terms

Figure 859 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page , Terms Section, Publication Terms Subsection Example

Referenced Document Terms

Figure 860 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page , Terms Section, Referenced Document Terms Subsection Example

Rights In Data Terms

Figure 861 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page , Terms Section, Rights In Data Terms Subsection Example

Subaward Approval Terms

Figure 862 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page , Terms Section, Subaward Approval Terms Subsection Example

Travel Restrictions Terms

Figure 863 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page , Terms Section, Travel Restrictions Terms Subsection Example



Table 395 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page, Terms Section, Subsection Field Descriptions




Optional.  The code for the terms and conditions within this category.  Enter the Code into the box.  If you do not know the Code, click Picture to find and select a Code.  (Instructions for using Picture are below.)


Optional.  Click  to save your new entry.  Click  to remove the entry on that row.

Adding the Sponsor Term Code to the Subsections on the Terms Section

  Click the lookup Picture icon to find and select the Code.  KC displays the Sponsor Term Lookup screen:

21-Sponsor Term Lookup.jpg

Figure 864 Sponsor Term Lookup Screen

      Enter appropriate information in the search fields to find the Code you need (or leave all the fields blank to display all Codes), and then click Picture to display a list of Codes.  When you click search, KC displays the results of your search:

21-Sponsor Term Lookup with Search.jpg

Figure 865 Sponsor Term Lookup with Search Information

      KC displays the Codes that match your search below a statement about the number of items retrieved (how many items matched your search) and the number of items displayed.

      In the search results list, click unchecked_checkbox.gif or selectall.gif to select the Code(s) that you need.  Click returnselected (3).gif to enter that (those) Code(s) in the Terms subsection in which you are working.

      When you clickreturnselected (3).gif, KC displays the KC Award screen again with the Code or Codes you selected added to the appropriate Terms subsection.  Code 4 has been added to the Equipment Approval Terms subsection:

21-Sponsor Term Lookup with select.jpg

Figure 866 Terms Section, Filled Equipment Approval Terms Subsection