Technical Requirements


Kuali Coeus is versatile in its ability to deploy on numerous platforms but has only been tested on a select set of platforms. This section describes specific requirements to install Kuali Coeus.


This section outlines the minimum server requirements for Kuali Coeus.

      Hardware:  Recommended minimum hardware for the web application is 2 cores of a recent CPU architecture along with 2 gig of reserved RAM. Minimum hardware and settings for the database should be based on vendor recommendations, but there should be high bandwidth with low latency between the web application and database as this is a database intensive application.

      Operating Systems:  Any OS which supports either MySQL or Oracle databases should work, including Solaris, but it has been run on Windows, Linux (Ubuntu and RedHat distributions), and MacOSX.

      Web Application Platform:  The Web application platform can be any fully compliant modern J2EE container. Testing has been done with Jetty 6.1, Tomcat 5.5, and Tomcat 6 (still has some minor issues which will be dealt with after release).

      Heap Space:  The Webapp generally required 1 gig of heap space (-Xmx1g) and 256 meg of perm gen space (-XX:MaxPermSize=256m) to start and run. For production use, at least 2 gig of heap and 512 meg of perm gen space are recommended.

      Other Recommended Settings:  Other recommended settings are -server (to improve resource utilization for long-running tasks) and -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC (to improve garbage collection performance).


This section outlines the minimum software requirements for Kuali Coeus.

      Sun Microsystems Java Development Kit (JDK 1.5.x)

      Web Application Server (Apache 2.x)

      Servlet container (Apache Tomcat 5.5.x)

      Web Browser (Firefox 1.5.x, Internet Explorer 6.x or Safari 2.0.4.x)

      Apache Ant 1.7.x

      Maven 2.0.x

      Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2.0.x)

      Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2.0.x) JDBC Driver

      MySQL 5.x

      MySQL Connector/J



This section outlines the minimum database requirements for Kuali Coeus. 

KC has been tested against Oracle and MySQL.  Supported versions of database products that Kuali Coeus has been tested with are as follows:

      Oracle10g:  JDBC drivers for Oracle can be obtained from

      MySQL:  JDBC drivers for MySQL can be obtained from

KC requires a User Account with access permissions to the database to perform the following:

      Connect to the database

      Create, Alter and Drop Tables, Triggers, Views, Procedures and Sequences

      Insert, Update and Delete data in the database tables

KC recommends the following database settings:

      For MySQL running on a case-sensitive OS (i.e., Linux) it is recommended to use settings to force all table names to lowercase (see other MySQL recommended settings in the Rice documentation).