The Summary page of the Award Budget document displays budget details that have been entered on the Award Budget Personnel and Non-Personnel pages with subtotals in the Summary section.
Figure 943 Award Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section - Example
Table 431 Award Budget Document > Summary Page – Section Descriptions
Section |
Brief Description |
Summary |
Use the <back and next> buttons as desired to control the award budget period selection display. This allows you to scroll through up to 5 columns. |
Personnel |
Display of the dollar amount for the Object Code line item in the displayed Budget Period. Subtotals and totals are displayed in the Total column. Click the show/hide buttons as desired to view details for each subsection. Click the edit button to modify existing values. |
Non-Personnel |
Display of the dollar amount for the Object Code line item in the displayed Budget Period. Subtotals and totals are displayed in the Total column. Click the show/hide buttons as desired to view details for each subsection. Click the edit button to modify existing values. |
Totals |
Total amounts are displayed in the Total column for each broad category of cost type. The total dollar amount for the Object Code line item for all budget periods. This column is the last column displayed on the right. |
The Summary subsection of the Summary section on the Summary page allows you to use the <back and next> buttons as desired to control the display of award budget totals by period.
The Summary page provides a means for you to review the overall Award Budget at one time from an expandable, consolidated view. It displays the totals of each expense tab with the details displayed under them for each budget period. The totals of each expense object code for each budget period, the calculated expenses for each period, and the budget period totals are displayed. The grand total for each expense object code, calculated expense, and budget period totals are also included.
Figure 944 Award Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section – Period View Selection / Navigation Tools
The Summary page has one tabbed section, also called Summary. Within it are the following three sections:
• Personnel: Display-only listing of fixed expenses by object code with period amounts and totals.
• Non-Personnel: Display-only listing of expenses that involved rates prone to fluctuation.
• Totals: Display-only column totals by period and a grand total of expenses and calculated expenses.
If it immediately appears that the period values do not add up to the line total, it is because some may not be currently displayed even though they are part of the equation. The screen area limits the display to only five periods, but when more than five exist, navigation buttons allow you to view them. Use the <back and next> buttons located above the period column headings to scroll and customize the display as desired. |
Figure 945 Award Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section – Personnel Subsection Example
Table 432 Award Budget Document > Summary Page > Personnel or Non-Personnel Subsection – Edit Button Usage
Button |
Description |
Click the edit button to navigate to the Award Budget document’s Personnel or Non-Personnel page. |
Figure 946 Award Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section – Non-Personnel Subsection Example
Table 433 Award Budget Document > Summary Page > Personnel or Non-Personnel Subsection – Edit Button Usage
Button |
Description |
Click the edit button to navigate to the Award Budget document’s Personnel or Non-Personnel page. |
A grand total of costs is calculated automatically and displayed along with the Direct and F&A subtotals.
Figure 947 Award Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section – Totals Subsection Example