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Figure 247 Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section > Summary Subsection – Example Layout


Table 119 Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section > Summary Subsection – Column Descriptions



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Click to scroll through the display of the budget periods (only 5 columns are displayed at a given time due to screen real estate)

Period 1

  Display of the dollar amount for the Object Code line item in the displayed Budget Period

Period 2

  Display of the dollar amount for the Object Code line item in the displayed Budget Period


The total dollar amount for the Object Code line item for all budget periods.  This column is the last column displayed on the right.


Figure 248 Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section > Personnel Subsection – Example


Table 120 Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section > Personnel Subsection – Row Descriptions





  Edit button:  takes you to this Budget document’s Personnel page.


Figure 249 Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section > Non-Personnel Subsection – Example


Table 121 Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section > Non-Personnel Subsection – Row Descriptions




  Click the EDIT button to navigate to the Non-Personnel page of the Budget document to modify these values.  Expandable subsections may include Equipment, Travel, Other Direct, Calculated Direct Costs, and a Non-Personnel Subtotal is displayed.

Figure 250 Budget Document > Summary Page > Summary Section > Totals Subsection – Example