Sponsor Authorization

The Sponsor Authorization section collects the Authorized Amount and Effective Date of the sponsor preaward authorization.  Additionally, it allows you to record related textual comments.

Figure 830 Award Document, Commitments Page, Preaward Authorizations Section – Sponsor Authorization Subsection Example


Table 382 Award Document, Commitments Page, Preaward Authorizations Section – Sponsor Authorization Subsection - Field Descriptions



Authorized Amount

The sponsor-authorized amount available to spend.  Enter the Authorized Amount into the box.

Effective Date

The start date of the pre-award period.  Enter the Effective Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Effective Date by clicking Picture.


Information about this Sponsor Authorization for future reference. 

Expand the text field for additional notes by clicking  to open a pop-up box.

Enter the Comments into the box.  After a comment has been entered and saved, click the green arrow icon to read it in its entirety in the larger pop-up window, and then click the close button to close the window and return.