Role/Group/Permission/Responsibility Type


Also known as Kim Type Lookup, this screen allows you to search for KIM Type Names.  KIM is the acronym for Kuali Identity Management, and a KIM Type is the combination of Role/Group/Permission/Responsibility Type with a unique identifier.  Types are used to associate similar roles, groups, permissions and responsibilities. For example, all roles with the type of 'Campus' will collect a campus code for each member as a piece of qualifying data to tell KIM which campus that member is associated with. New types cannot be created via the interface. Development work needs to occur to make sure that KIM knows how to handle any new type added to the system.

You can refine criteria by Namespace Code, Type Identifier, and Active Indicator.  Result tables include Type Name links that allow you to “drill down” to display the KIM Type screen, which displays a section containing additional details, including Service Name.

Figure 1505 KIM Type Lookup Screen - Search Criteria Area


Table 946 KIM Type Lookup Screen - Field Descriptions



Namespace Code

 To select the namespace code associated with this type, use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Type Name

Display only. The descriptive name of this type. Clicking the name takes you to the Type Inquiry and displays the same information available in the lookup plus the name of the KIM service this type is associated with.  The 'service' is the piece of code that tells KIM how to interpret roles, groups, permissions or responsibilities of a given type.

Type Identifier

Display only. The unique identifying number assigned to this type.

Active Indicator

Display only. Indicates whether this type is active. Inactive types are not eligible for selection when creating new roles, groups, permissions, or responsibilities.  Select the radio button by clicking within a circle to place a dot within it to indicate your selection of the desired option.



Figure 1506 KIM Type Lookup Screen - Search Result Examples


Table 947 KIM Type Lookup Screen - Search Result Table Link Descriptions



Type Name

Click underlined text in this column to display the Kim Type section in a new browser window, which displays additional details about the Type Name, such as Type Identifier, Service Name, Active Indicator, and Namespace Code.

Type Identifier

Click underlined text in this column to display the Kim Type section in a new browser window, which displays additional details about the Type Identifier, such as Type Name, Service Name, and Namespace Code.