Reviewer Actions


The Reviewer Actions section of the Disclosure Actions page is used to assign a Reviewer Type (via dropdown menu selection) to a User (selected via the Person Lookup), and add it as a numbered line item to the section.  Multiple Reviewer/Reviewer Type combination entries may be added.  The Reviewer Type assigned to each person dictates the actions that each person is permitted to take on a Disclosure document as part of review-oriented activities.


Figure 589 COI > Disclosure Document > Disclosure Actions Page > Reviewer Actions Section


Table 256  COI > Disclosure Document > Disclosure Actions Page > Reviewer Actions Section – Field Descriptions




(row heading)

This table row heading indicates the row in which you make selections and/or entries.

User Name

Required.  Search for the desired user from the Person lookup screen and then click the return value link.  The User Name and Full Name fields are populated automatically based on your selection.  Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box.

Full Name

The content for this field is displayed automatically after a selection has been made in the User Name field.  It is typically the first and last name of the person associated with the User Name record as defined in the Person table.

Reviewer Type

Select either Principal Investigator (PI), OSP Administrator (OSP), Review Committee (COM) or Assigned Reviewer (RVW) from the list, as appropriate.  Use the drop-down  menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list options, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Lead Unit

The lead unit of the selected reviewer will display in this field.

Date Assigned

The date the reviewer was assigned will display in this field.



Click the add  button in the Actions column within a to add your entry/selection as a sequentially numbered line item row in a table that will appear. 



Click the delete button to remove a previously-added numbered line item row.



Figure 590 COI > Disclosure Document > Disclosure Actions Page > Reviewer Actions Section- Examples