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Manual Disclosures


Figure 548 Researcher >Conflict of Interest > My Disclosures > Create Manual Disclosure navigation

Manual disclosures, also known as “event disclosures” can be created by the reporter when there isn’t a KC system record appearing in the New Project Disclosures to Report, or in their Annual or Master disclosure project listing.  Manual disclosure is the defined method for creating a Travel disclosure.


Manual Disclosure types include;


      Proposal (Development)

      IRB Protocol

      IACUC Protocol



To create a manual disclosure, navigate to the Reporter tab and select Create Manual Disclosure from the Conflict of Interest channel listed under the My Disclosures section. A Manual Disclosure page will be presented that contains the system generated document header details above the single Disclosure tab. There are five (5) sub-panels for the Document Overview, Reporter, Manual Event and Financial Entities, Notes & Attachments, and Certification. Once the event type is selected and added, a Questionnaire sub-panel will generate if a questionnaire has been defined for the disclosure type.


During the disclosure process, you will complete the following steps:

      Enter a description in the Document Overview -

      Review your details in the Reporter subsection

      Review and maintain additional units, if needed, in the Unit Details subsection

      Select the type of disclosure in the Manual Event and Financial Entities subsection

      Enter the specifics about the selected type of event disclosure (varies by type)

      Relate your Financial Entities to your projects in the Manual Event & Financial Entity Relationships subsection

      Answer the Questionnaire, if applicable.

      Enter a note or upload a document, if appropriate, in the Notes & Attachments subsection

      Certify that the information is complete in the Certification subpanel


The subpanel data requirements are described in the sections below

Figure 549 Conflict of Interest > My Disclosures > Create Manual Disclosure > Disclosure tab



Document Overview: Manual Disclosure

Reporter: Manual Disclosure

Certification: Manual Event Type Disclosures

Disclosure Data Validation:

Disclosure Actions – Manual Disclosures