You are here:Report Tracking

Report View

Use the Report view when you want the ability to export the results to a local file and be able to e-mail them to others or print them.

Click the report view button to switch the type of view from Aggregate view.

Figure 1009  KC Award Report Tracking – Report View – Report Result Table - Example



Table 479  KC Award Report Tracking – Report View – Report Result Table – Field Descriptions



tip.png  While in Aggregate view, the report view button changes the result table display to report view, which displays different columns of data, some of which display content that is underlined – which means active “drill-down” links you can click to display additional details.  The button then acts as a toggle, wherein the label on the button changes to aggregate view.

Award ID

The Award ID associated with Award Report Tracking entries, which is defined and system-generated in the Award.

Principal Investigator

The employee or non-employee with an Award project role of Pricipal Investigator, as defined in the Award as a Person table lookup.

Due Date

Display-only view of the due date in MM/DD/YYYY format.  This date is set by the schedule generator in the Award and remains static.  Reporting events can’t be deleted but can be set to Status = Not Due.

Report Class

Linked to the static Report Class description (maintenance document record).


Linked to the display-only Award Payment Report details.  Values are defined in the Report table, and valid values for each Report Class are defined in the Valid Class Report Frequency table.


Linked to the Report Status details that explain what this status means by defining its attributes in a maintenance document table record.

Lead Unit ID

Linked to the Unit Number record details, this is defined in the Award and is associated with the PI.

Lead Unit

Linked to the Unit Number record details that associate a unit name with a unique abbreviated identifier.  This is defined in the Award and is associated with the PI.


A numerical counter related to Notification functionality that indicates how many cycles past the due date a report is.


Linked to details associated with the Frequency definition.  Selections are made from a filtered list of descriptions (as defined in the Frequency table) that are valid choices for the previously-selected combination of Report Class and Report (which are defined in the Valid Class Report Frequency table).

Frequency Base

Linked to details associated with the Frequency Base code, as maintained in the Frequency Base table.

Activity Date

Entered and modified from Report Tracking edit mode, this serves as a Last Update indicator in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM FirstName LastName format, with the time/date stamp generated by the system when an action is taken to save changes to that row.


This is text entered and edited by the user maintaining Report Tracking.

Preparer Name

Person (employee) name, from the Person table, which can be edited when in Report Tracking edit mode.

Sponsor ID

Linked to the static display of the Sponsor Code record.

Sponsor Name

Linked to the static display of the Sponsor Code record.

Sponsor Award ID

Read-only text as entered in the Award.

Base Date

System-generated date displayed in MM/DD/YYYY format, this is determined from the frequency base and award dates each time Report Tracking is regenerated.

OSP File Copy

Linked to the Distribution Code associated with the file copy.  This identifies the type of report documentation that is to be provided to the Office of Sponsored Projects for their file.

1-Report, 2-Report+Letter, 3-Letter Only, 4-Sponsor Form

Award Title

Read-only text as entered in the Award.

Export Options

link.png  For more information, see “Export Functionality” on page 59 in Overview > Lookup.




Can’t Open Award From Report View:  The Report view displays results in a table format that do not include links or buttons that allow you to directly open the Award documents.