Report Classes

The Report Classes subsection has a subsections for each class of reports:

      Financial reports

      Intellectual Property reports

      Procurement reports

      Property reports

      Proposals Due reports

      Technical/Management reports

Figure 850 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page – Report Classes Section Layout

Each is described in the following table.

Table 392 Reports Section, Report Classes Subsection Descriptions




The Financial subsection provides a formal summary of the financial reports and/or invoices required on a sponsored project, prepared as required by the sponsor’s terms and conditions in the award.


The Property subsection displays a formal summary of the property reports required of the institution on property purchased with project funds during the awarded project period.

Intellectual Property

The Intellectual Property (IP) subsection displays a formal summary of IP or patent reporting required on the award.  These reports gather information on the creations of the mind generated in the course of the scope of work of a sponsored project prepared as required by the sponsor’s terms and conditions in the award.


The Technical/Management subsection displays a formal summary of progress and/or results reporting as required by the sponsor’s terms and conditions in the award.


The Procurement subsection displays a formal summary of reports for the purchasing, leasing, renting, or selling of services or supplies as required by the sponsor’s terms and conditions in the award.  Reports include items for both purchasing and subcontracting activities.

Proposals Due

The Proposals Due subsection includes information on requirements for continuation proposals or other proposals required for the award.

You need to create a row in the appropriate subsection for each type of report needed for this award.

Use the following procedure to enter information in the Report Classes section.  This procedure applies to all of the subsections in the Report Classes section.

Table 393 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page, Report Classes Section - Field Descriptions



Report Type

Optional.  The type of report on this row.  Examples of Report Types:

Click dropdown.gif to select the Report Type for this row.


Required.  The frequency at which this report is generated.  Examples of Frequencies:


Your choices in a dropdown list depend on selections you made in a previous field.  For example, the choices in the Frequency dropdown list vary based on your selection in the Payment Type field. 

If they do not automatically refresh, click  to refresh the dropdown list choices.

Click dropdown.gif to select the Frequency for this report type.

Frequency Base

Required.  The base on which the frequency is calculated.  Examples of Frequency Bases:


Your choices in a dropdown list depend on selections you made in a previous field.  For example, the choices in the Frequency dropdown list vary based on your selection in the Payment Type field. 

If they do not automatically refresh, click  to refresh the dropdown list choices.

Click dropdown.gif to select the Frequency Base for this report type.

OSP File Copy

Required.  OSP file requirements.  Examples of OSP File Copy:

Click dropdown.gif to select the OSP File Copy for this report type.

Due Date

Required.  The date this report is due.  Enter the Due Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or click Picture to select it.


Click  to save your new entry.  Click  to remove the entry on that row.

Recipients & Details

When you click  to save your new entry in the Reports Classes section, KC displays a collapsed Recipients subsection and a collapsed Details subsection:


Figure 851 Reports Section, Report Classes Section, Financial Subsection


The Details subsection in the Report Classes subsection contains read-only fields with data from other sections or sources.  Some fields in this subsection may be blank.

21-Report Classes Recipients Details.jpg

Figure 852 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page, Reports Section, Report Classes Subsection, Financial Subsection Example