You are here:Budget > Personnel

Project Personnel


The Project Personnel tab always displays ‘(All Periods)’ in the tab label.  Changes made to this tab must be saved prior to adding details to the budget.  For deletions, you must delete from the details first, then confirm the delete action on the Project Personnel tab to complete the delete process.

Figure 253  Add Project Personnel Selection Area

Table 124  Add Project Personnel Selection Area Descriptions



Add Project Personnel section, Person column

Employee Search

Use the lookup  to search for and return  the desired employees from the HR database.

Non-employee Search

Use the lookup  to search for and return  the desired non-employees from the Rolodex database.

To be named

Use the employee table lookup  and  button as necessary to specify positions to be hired or identified once the award is made.  For example, returns values such as “TBA Research Assistant” or “TBA Res. Scientist.”




Caution:  Changes made in the Project Personnel section must be saved before the corresponding results are reflected in the Personnel Details section.

Figure 254 Budget Document > Personnel Page > Project Personnel (All Periods) Section – Example


Table 125 Budget Document > Personnel Page > Project Personnel (All Periods) Section - Field Descriptions




Displays sequential line item number for each table row in ascending, top-to-bottom order.  Also serves as a line selection/addition row label.


Display-only.  The specific individual identified as part of the proposal.  Names are fed from the Key Personnel in the Proposal document.

Job Code

Enter the 6-digit alphanumeric value for the Human Resources position identifier directly associated with the individual named in the Person column.          

Appointment Type


Select from the list  the Type of employee or duration of the appointment for the individual names in the Person column.

Base Salary

Required.  Calculation base.  The individual's current salary less any special pays (administrative supplements)

Salary Effective Date

Required. Use the calendar  function to locate and select a date, or enter one in mm/dd/yyyy format.  This represents the date of the employee's annual increase.


  Click to remove an individual.  Note:  you must delete from the details first, then confirm the delete action on the Project Personnel tab to complete the delete process.

sync personnel

The system brings forth the information associated with any individuals added to the Key Personnel section after a budget version (and therefore Project Personnel section) has already been created.  The sync button only adds information; it does not delete any.  Therefore, if a user deleted an individual from the Key Personnel section, pressing sync on the Project Personnel section would not delete the corresponding entry on the Project Personnel section.