Project Income

Use the Project Income section to enter project income data for any budget period.

Figure 969  Award Budget Document > Distribution & Income Page – Project Income Section Example


Tab Label Count #:  The section tab label displays a count of the entries in the section (in parentheses) to allow you to view the number of line items without clicking the show button to alert you to the fact that content exists in this section.


Table 456 Award Budget Document > Distribution & Income Page > Project Income Section – Field Descriptions



Income Details


Row label for entry/selection of line item details.  Column label for sequentially numbered line item rows.


Required.    Use the dropdown menu to choose a budget period from the prepopulated list (as defined in the Budget Periods & Totals section of the Parameters page).


Required.  Enter the amount (>$0.00) that the activity is anticipated to generate.


Required.  Type to enter a textual description of the activity generating the project income.


  adds your selection/entry in the Add row as a numbered line item in a list below.

  removes the numbered line item and automatically deletes entries for budget periods entered in the Budget Periods & Totals section of the Parameters page.

Income Summary

Period # Income

KC sums and displays separate subtotals of all project income entries for each budget period.

Total Income

The total project income is the calculated sum of project income for all periods.

Click to initiate system calculation of Period and cumulative Total Income amounts.



Income Details

Income Summary