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Online Review (IACUC Administrator view)


The Online Review page of the Protocol document appears as an additional tabbed page to the right of the Protocol Actions page when the IACUCIACUC Administrator assigns the protocol to a schedule and assigns committee members to primary/secondary roles through the Modify Submission Details section. All active committee members are allowed to perform Online Review for an IACUC protocol. The system generates an Online Review section for all active committee members.


For each assigned reviewer, the system generates an Online Review section. The Online Review page accessible to the IACUC Administrator aggregates the Online Review sections for all the assigned reviewers’ one below the other.


Figure 951 Protocol Document – Online Review Section Example

As assigned reviewers perform their Online Reviews, the system aggregates each reviewer’s Online Review within the Online Review page for the IACUC Administrator to manage. The IACUC Administrator can access to both in progress reviews and completed reviews within the Online Review page. Depending on whether the Online Review is in progress or completed, the IACUC Administrator can perform a variety of actions on the Online Review. They can approve e the review, accept the review comments, delete the review, return it to the reviewer for further changes, change private and final setting and also enter comments on behalf of the reviewer. The Online Review for each assigned reviewer is stacked one below the other in the Online Review page for the IACUC Administrator.



The system helps the IACUC Administrator distinguish completed reviews from in-progress reviews within the Online Review section. In progress reviews have a warning message displayed and a document status of Saved within the Online Review sub-section. The IACUC Administrator is limited to Approve Review and Delete Review actions on an in-progress review. In contrast, Online reviews that have been completed by the reviewers have a document status of Final within the Online Review sub-section. The IACUC Administrator can perform Accept Review comments, Return the review or Delete the review actions on completed reviews.


Figure 952 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review


Document Overview: The document overview contains identifying information about the Online Review document assigned to the reviewer. All the fields are read only.

Figure 953 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review – Document Overview


Online Review: The Online Review section displays key information pertaining to the review and reviewer and includes the determination recommendation made by the reviewer. The IACUC Administrator can override the recommendation provided by the reviewer and also change the reviewer type, due date and requested date from within this section.


Figure 954 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review – Online Review


Table 533 Protocol Document, IACUC Administrator View (Online Review), Online Review Field Descriptions




Display only. The Reviewer field displays the name of the reviewer.

Requested Date

The Requested Date displays the date the online review request was created. It is auto populated by the system upon creation of Online Review. The requested date can be updated.


Display only. The Status field shows the document status of the Online Review document. A Final status indicates that the reviewer has completed their review. A Saved status indicates that the review is in progress.

Due Date

The Due Date displays the date the review is due. It is populated only if the IACUC Administrator specifies a due date for the Online Review. The Due Date for a reviewer can be updated from within this section.

Determination Recommendation

This field displays the Determination Recommendation provided by the reviewer. It can be overridden by the IACUC Administrator or entered by the IACUC Administrator on behalf of the reviewer. The selection options are (Minor Revisions Required, Major Revisions Required, Approve and Disapprove). Use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Reviewer Type

The reviewer type specifies whether the assigned reviewer is primary, secondary or committee member.


Determine Review Type: The Determine Review Type section contains the review type determination and the determination due date. The Review Type Determination is the recommendation by each active committee member about the type of review (Full committee review vs. Designated Member Review) that the IACUC protocol should go through.


Figure 955 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review – Determine Review Type



Table 534 Protocol Document, IACUC Administrator View (Online Review), Determine Review Type Field Descriptions



Review Type Determination

This field displays the Review Type Determination provided by the reviewer. It can be overridden by the IACUC Administrator or entered by the IACUC Administrator on behalf of the reviewer. The selection options are (Administrative Review, Designated Member Review, FYI, Full Committee Review, IACUC Review Not Required and Response). Use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Determination Due Date

Display only. The Determination Due Date contains the date established by the IACUC administrator for when the review determination is due. If the determination due date is not set, this field is empty.


Review Comments: The IACUC Administrator can view and manage the review comments provided by the assigned reviewers within the Review Comments section. The IACUC Administrator can edit the comments, change the private/final setting on each comment, re-arrange the order of the comments and delete the comment. Review comments can also be entered by the IACUC Administrator on behalf of the reviewer. Any changes made by the IACUC Administrator will be tracked and noted by the system within the Last Updated by column.


Figure 955 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review – Review Comments


Table 535 Protocol Document, IACUC Administrator View (Online Review), Review Comments Field Descriptions



Standard Comment

For manually entered comments, the Standard Comment column will display n/a. If the IACUC Administrator chooses to override a standard comment entered by the reviewer or add a new comment they can click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box.


Reviewer entered comments are displayed within the Comment box. The IACUC Administrator can edit comments made by reviewers or enter comments on behalf of the reviewer. Click within the text box (or press the tab  key from a previous field) to relocate the cursor to the field, and then type (or paste from virtual clipboard) to enter text in the box as necessary to provide the appropriate information.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.  After saving, click the green arrow  symbol to view full text in a separate browser window.


The private flag on a review comment indicates that protocol personnel will not be able to view the comment. By default, all reviewer entered comments will have the Private flag checked. The IACUC Administrator can override the private flag setting on a review comment. Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.


The final flag on a review comment indicates that the IACUC Administrator has completed processing the comment and it can appear on all official communication related to the protocol if it is non-private comment. By default all reviewer entered comments are marked as non-Final. The IACUC Administrator can override the final flag setting on a review comment. Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.

Last Updated By

Display only. The user who last updated the comment and the timestamp of update is displayed in this column. If the IACUC Administrator updates a reviewer’s comment, the system overrides this column with the IACUC Administrator’s user name and time stamp of update.

Created By

Display only. The user who created the comment and the timestamp of creation is displayed in this column.


For reviewer entered comments, the IACUC Administrator is allowed to reorder the comments and delete it from within the Actions column. Click the delete button to remove a previously-added line item row from the table.  Click the up/down arrow   buttons as necessary to adjust the line item order. If an IACUC Administrator is entering comments on behalf of the reviewer, the actions column will contain an Add button.  Click the add  button to add your selection to as a row in the table below, which will become a numbered line item. 

link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Common E-Doc Operations.


Review Attachment: The IACUC Administrator can view and manage review attachments added by the assigned reviewers within this section. The system allows the IACUC Administrator to view, delete review attachments and also control visibility of the review attachment by protocol personnel.


Figure 955 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review – Review Attachment


Table 536 Protocol Document, IACUC Administrator View (Online Review), Review Attachment Field Descriptions




The IACUC Administrator can modify the text description entered by reviewers or enter a description if they are adding an attachment on behalf of the reviewer. The text entered describes the attachment. Click within the text box (or press the tab  key from a previous field) to relocate the cursor to the field, and then type (or paste from virtual clipboard) to enter text in the box as necessary to provide the appropriate information.

File Name

For attachments added by the reviewer, this field is display only. It displays the name of the file added by the reviewer. The IACUC Administrator can also add an attachment on behalf of the reviewer.  Click the Browse button. In the File Upload dialog box (Windows), use the Look in: dropdown menu to locate the file, click on the file to highlight and select it, and then click the Open button.  The File Name field now displays the directory, folder path and filename you selected.

Protocol personnel can view

This field controls whether or not protocol personnel can view the review attachment. By default all review attachments added by the reviewers have the Protocol personnel can view field unchecked – to prevent protocol personnel from viewing the review attachment. The IACUC Administrator can override this field. Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.

Last Updated By

Display only. The user who last updated the review attachment and the timestamp of update is displayed in this column.

Created By

Display only. The user who created the review attachment and the timestamp of creation is displayed in this column.


For reviewer added attachments, the IACUC Administrator is allowed to view or delete the review attachment from within the Actions column. Click the view  button to open and view the attachment. Click the delete button to remove a previously-added line item row from the table.  The IACUC Administrator can also add review attachments on behalf of the reviewer, Click the add  button to add your attachment as a row in the table below, which will become a numbered line item. 

Protocol Review Actions: Once the reviewer has marked their review complete, the IACUC Administrator can accept all review comments, delete review or return the Online Review back to the reviewer. If the review has not been completed by the reviewer, the IACUC Administrator first needs to approve the review before other actions become available,

Figure 955 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review – Protocol Review Actions


      Accept Review comments: The Accept review comments action indicates that the IACUC Administrator has finalized all the review comments. After this action is activated, the system removes other actions such as Delete review and Return to reviewer and only allows the IACUC Administrator to save changes they might make to review comments. The Accept Review comments action also automatically sets the Final flag on all review comments.

      Delete review: Delete review removes the review comments, review attachment and determination recommendation provided by the reviewer. Prior to deleting the Online Review the system prompts the IACUC Administrator with a warning message and a comment box to enter the reason for the delete review action. The IACUC Administrator is provided with a choice to proceed with the delete or abandon the action.


note.png    Delete Review Notification: If the notification for Delete review action has been activated by an implementing institution, the reason for the delete action entered by the IACUC Administrator is sent as part of the message body of the notification.

                  Figure 959 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review – Delete Review Warning


      Return to reviewer: The Return to reviewer action allows the IACUC Administrator to return the Online Review document back to the reviewer for corrections. Once returned back the reviewer can make changes to the review comments, review attachment and determination recommendation and submit it again to the IACUC Administrator. Prior to returning the Online Review the system prompts the IACUC Administrator with a warning message and a comment box to enter the reason for the return to reviewer action. The IACUC Administrator is provided with a choice to proceed with the return to reviewer or abandon the action.


note.png    Return to Reviewer Notification: If the notification for return to reviewer action has been activated by an implementing institution, the reason for the return to reviewer action entered by the IACUC Administrator is sent as part of the message body of the notification.


              Figure 960 Protocol Document – Administrator View – Manage Online Review – Return to Reviewer Warning


Table 537 Protocol Document, IACUC Administrator View (Online Review), Protocol Review Actions Field Descriptions




Click the save  button to save your review.

Accept Review Comments

Click the accept review comments  button to finalize review comments. Once activated only the save  button will be available.

Delete Review

Click the delete  button to delete the Online Review submitted by the assigned reviewer. The system prompts the user for a reason for the delete review action.

Return to Reviewer

Click the return to reviewer  button to return the review back to reviewer to make changes to their Online Review. The system prompts the user for a reason for the return to reviewer action.