Institutional Proposal


The Institutional Proposal section contains key proposal identification information. 


The information in the Institutional Proposal section comes from the Proposal Development document or the Proposal Log document.  Users with appropriate permissions may change the information in the Institutional Proposal section.

Figure 288 Institutional Proposal Section Example


Table 158 Institutional Proposal Section -  Field Descriptions



Proposal Number

Read only.  A system-generated, sequential number identifying the Institutional Proposal document 

Fiscal Month/Year

Read only.  The fiscal month and year that the Proposal Development document or the Proposal Log document was created.

Award ID

Optional.  Unique identifier for the Award to which this Institutional Proposal document is tied.  Enter the Award ID into the box.  You can confirm the Award ID you entered by clicking Picture.  If you do not know the Award ID, you may click Picture to find and select one.

Proposal Type

Required.  The type of submission, defined by your institution and/or the sponsor.  Proposal Types are:

New: This is a new proposal.

Resubmission: This is a resubmission of a previously submitted proposal.

Renewal: This is a renewal of a previously approved proposal.

Continuation: This is a continuation of a previously approved proposal.

Revision: This is a revision to a previous proposal.

Task Order: This proposal is an order for services against an existing contract or agreement

Click dropdown.gif to select the Proposal Type.

Initial Contract Admin

Read only.  The name of the Initial Contract Administrator. 


KC fills this field with the name of the administrator of the Lead Unit specified in the Proposal Development document or the Proposal Log document.

Updated by

Read only.  The name of the last user to update the Institutional Proposal document

Project Title

Required.  Enter the Project Title into the box.  You can enter up to 200 characters for the Project Title.

Sequence Number

Read only.  The Institutional Proposal version number; KC increments the Sequence Number each time the Institutional Proposal is edited and saved.


Required.  The Institutional Proposal status.  Statuses are:

Pending: The proposal has been submitted, but the sponsor has not made a funding decision

Funded:  An award is complete; the proposal is funded

Rejected: The proposal was not funded by the sponsor

Deactivated: Defined by your institution; generally defined as a proposal that is pending but for which there is no funding decision and no notice of rejection after a specific amount of time

Withdrawn: The researcher has withdrawn the proposal.

Do Not Use – Revision Requested:  A revision to the proposal is has been requested; a new Institutional Proposal document will be created; this Institutional Proposal document is should not be used.

Held for Funds Availability: Your institution is holding the proposal because the sponsor ran out of funds.

Void: This institutional proposal was created in error.

Click dropdown.gif to select a new Status.


You cannot select a Status of Funded.  KC automatically sets the Status to Funded when you link an Award with an Institutional Proposal

Activity Type

Required.  The institution’s university function for this proposal, based on OMB Circular A-21

Per OMB Circular A-21, the major functions of a university are:


      Sponsored instruction and teaching

      Departmental research

      Organized research

      Sponsored research

      University research

      Other sponsored activities

      Other institutional activities

Each account in an institution's financial system must be identified by its activity type.

KC provides these activity types:



      Public Service

      Clinical Trial


Click dropdown.gif to select an Activity Type.


The Activity Type determines the default F&A Rate in the Budget document.