Document Operation


The Document Operation link from the Workflow menu group on the System Admin menu causes the Operate on a document screen to appear – a workflow screen that is only accessible to Administrators and Superusers.  It is a KEW screen that allows you to modify any of a document’s data, including the raw XML content.  It gives you the ability to change every single property a document has—owner, version, route status, who it is routed to, even change the Document ID.

The Document Operation function allows you to manipulate the XML data in the document and save the document. The screen is divided into several sections: Document Action, Document, Action Requests, Action Taken, Action Items, Route Node Instances, Brach States, and Annotation for Admin Change.

To operate on a document:


Click the Document Operation link from the Workflow menu group on the System Admin menu.

The Operate on a document workflow screen appears.


Enter a number in the provided Document ID box and click get document.

The Operate on a document screen is refreshed to display the following sections:

      Document Actions


      Action Requests

      Actions Taken

      Action Items

      Route Node Instances

      Branch States

      Annotation for Admin Change



Make changes to the appropriate sections as necessary to modify the document.  You have the ability to modify any field of the document, either by using the provided boxes, or by editing the raw XML in the Doc Content box.  Additionally, you can entirely delete certain fields, such as Action Request, Actions Taken, and Action Items by selecting the Delete option from the heading above the corresponding section.




Click save at the bottom of the screen after you have completed your changes.

pencil-small  Be sure to leave an annotation describing the actions taken, as well as the reasons for taking actions.


Figure 1518 Document Operation Document Selection screen section - Example


Figure 1519 Document Actions Section - Example


Figure 1520 Document Section - Example


Figure 1521 Action Requests Section - Example



Figure 1522 Actions Taken Section - Example


Figure 1523 Action Items Section - Example


Figure 1524 Route Node Instances Section - Example


Figure 1525 Branch States Section - Example


Figure 1526 Annotation for Admin Change Section - Example