Delivery Info

The Delivery Info section contains the instructions for delivery of this proposal to the sponsor.


The information in the Delivery section automatically comes from the Proposal Development document or the Proposal Log document.  You may change this information here in the Institutional Proposal document. 

Figure 296 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Page, Delivery Info Section Layout


Table 163 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Page, Delivery Info Section Field Descriptions



Delivery Info

Mail By

Optional.  The office responsible for submitting the proposal.  Click dropdown.gif to select a Mail By office of either OSP or Department.

Mail Account ID

Optional.  The office’s Mail Account number.  Enter the Mail Account ID into the box.

Rolodex ID

The unique identifier for the corresponding Rolodex (Non-Employee) record.


Optional.  The method for delivering the proposal to the sponsor.  Delivery types are:

      Regular: The proposal will be mailed to the sponsor

      Electronic: The proposal will be emailed to the sponsor

      Delivery Service: The proposal will be delivered to the sponsor


Click dropdown.gif to select a delivery type.

Number of Copies


The number of paper copies to be mailed to the sponsor, in addition to the original

Enter the Number of Copies into the box.

Delivery Comments


Add your comments related to the delivery as necessary.