Combined Credit Split


The Combined Credit Split tab provides fields for entry of percentages for Recognition, Responsibility, Space, and Financial for either the person (Investigator) or unit that must add up to one hundred with a recalculate button for totals.

Figure 182 Proposal Development Document > Key Personnel Page > Combined Credit Split Section - Example


Table 76 Proposal Development Document > Key Personnel Page > Combined Credit Split Section - Field Descriptions



Credit Split Type

The category for which credit split will be applied at the individual and unit level. (e.g., Intellectual, F&A Revenue)

Unit Total

The total distribution of credit for each investigator’s units. To be complete must total 100%

Investigator Total

The total distribution of credit for all investigators.  To be complete must total 100%


Automatically calculated by the system.  When null, not defined, or deleted, system resets to 0.00.  Must add up to 100% for Unit and Investigator.

Sums the totals based on modifications made in the four entry fields.

Key Personnel Page Actions

  To delete a person from the Key Personnel page, select the person(s) and click the delete selected button.

  To view a version of the Key Personnel page that is formatted for the National Institute of Health, click the View HIH Version link..