
The Closeout section integrates with the Payment, Invoice, and Reports sections to automatically display static closeout reports and due dates, and to provide a checklist for you when it is time to close an award.  Report types and dates on the Award Closeout section are read-only.  KC gets this information from the Payment, Invoice, and Reports sections.  You may delete closeout reports.

At the termination of an award, you need to record the final invoice and report submission dates, the closeout date, and the archive location to complete the closeout process.

The terms and conditions of an award establish its final reporting requirements.

Click  on the Closeout section to display its information:

Figure 876 Award Document > Payment, Reports & Terms Page > Closeout Section

Award Closeout

Figure 877 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page, Award Closeout Section – Entry and Selection

Figure 878 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page, Award Closeout Section Examples


Table 398 Award Document, Payment, Reports & Terms Page, Closeout Section Field Descriptions



Archive Location

Optional.  The location of the closed Award File.  Enter the Archive Location into the box.

Archive Date

Optional.  The date the final report on this project was archived.  Enter the Archive Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or click Picture to select the date.

Final Report

Optional.  The name or description of a particular final report.  To add another final report for this award, enter its name into the box.

Due Date

Optional.  The date the final report on this row is due.  When you enter a Final Report into the box on the Add  row, enter its Due Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or click Picture to select the due date.

Final Submission Date

Optional.  The date the final report on this row was submitted or mailed to the sponsor.

Enter the Final Submission Date for the final report on this row in MM/DD/YYYY format or click Picture to select the date.


Click  to save your new entry.  Click  to remove the entry on that row.


Figure 879 Filled Award Closeout Section