Assigned Roles


Figure 204 Proposal Development Document > Permissions Page > Assigned Roles Section - Example


Table 90 Proposal Development Document > Permissions Page > Assigned Roles Section - Field Descriptions




An assigned role that allows a person to make changes to any part of the proposal, including attachments and budget. Displays full names (in Last, First I format) of users who have had this role assigned to them and who have also been added on the Users tab.  The Aggregator is an assigned role in KC that allows the user to make changes to any part of the proposal. 

Budget Creator

An assigned role that allows a person to make changes to any part of the proposal and budget, but grants read only access to the attachments. Displays full names (in Last, First I format) of users who have had this role assigned to them and who have also been added on the Users tab.  Edit proposal details and budget; view narratives and attachments.

Narrative Writer

An assigned role that allows a person to make changes to any part of the proposal and attachments, but grants read only access to the budget. Displays full names (in Last, First I format) of users who have had this role assigned to them and who have also been added on the Users tab.  Edit proposal details, narratives and attachments; view budget.


An assigned role that allows a person read only access to any part of the proposal. Displays full names (in Last, First I format) of users who have had this role assigned to them and who have also been added on the Users tab.  View any part of this proposal.