My Unofficial Transcript

Unofficial Transcript: This transcript type is designed to show the same information as your official Indiana University transcript.

Term and cumulative IU Summary statistics throughout the transcript are based on University-wide rules (all X’d grades are honored for exclusion from the GPA, all other coursework/grades are included in the statistics, even if repeated, etc.).

At the end of the transcript, you will also see a Student Program Summary. These statistics are calculated according to the rules of your current program (whether X’d grades are honored for exclusion from the GPA, whether courses may be repeated for credit, etc.). Since these statistics may be calculated based on different rules, your Student Program Hours Earned and GPA may be different from your IU Hours Earned and GPA.

My Degree Progress

Degree Progress and Transcript: This transcript type is designed to show progress toward your degree.

Term and cumulative Student Program statistics are based on the rules of your current academic program. Certain courses may be designated with a note indicating the course is equivalent to another completed or in progress course. Courses with this equivalency note may be excluded, as indicated in the note, from the Student Program calculations for the term as well as the cumulative Student Program statistics at the end of the report.

At the end of the transcript you will also see an Indiana University Summary. These calculations are based on University-wide rules (all x’d grades are honored for exclusion from the GPA, all other coursework/grades are included even if repeated, etc.). Since these statistics may be calculated based on different rules, your Indiana University Hours Earned and GPA may be different from your Student Program Hours Earned and GPA. Former Students who have been out of IU for a year or more may have records that are 'inactive,' and they will not produce a Degree Progress Report. You may request an Unofficial Transcript (above), or you may get information about activating your records through the "I'd like to Return to IU' link on the self-service tab.

Current students will also find this report on OneStart Self-Service, Academic Services channel, My Degree Progress.

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