Typographic Conventions


Clickable Icons, Buttons, Options, and Links:  This document adheres to simple documentation standards and style conventions to optimize readability. The formatting of text used to name “things you click on” are typically bold to enhance visual comprehension and improve usability. 

Numbering and Indentation:  Sequential tasks are numbered, while integrated notes and action results are indented in procedures.

User Interface Element Name References:  First initials of each word are generally capitalized when referencing names of documents, pages, sections, and subsections, as is consistent with the user interface element naming convention.

Options and ExamplesCourier New font is used to format list options and input examples.

Graphics and Screen Shot Images:  Mouse pointer icons and callouts are used frequently on graphics to show you what to click on at each process step.  Where possible, fields in portions of screens are populated with example data to demonstrate acceptable or expected input.